School News
Twenty-five students were recognized for their artwork in many categories during this year’s Washington State PTA (WSPTA) Reflections contest.
For at least the last 20 years, students at Wilder Elementary have been releasing salmon into Collin Creek in the Woodinville area.
Thanks to our voters, LWSD construction teams have been busy this summer. Most of the summer construction projects were completed with a few finishing up in the next few weeks. All of these projects will give our students the space they need to thrive and be future ready.
Staff and students at Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary have been focusing on character traits all school year. For the month of January, the trait they centered on was empathy. The definition they used throughout the month was "putting yourself in someone else’s shoes."
Happy Birthday to us! Lake Washington School District (LWSD) is celebrating its 75th Anniversary as a district today. Throughout the course of the 2019-20 school year, you will see the district celebrating this milestone with our LWSD community.