Wilder Green Team
The Wilder Green Team works to help students understand our environment and how to make it better. The Green Team is open to students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. Meetings are held once a month in the library from 8:00am - 8:30am. Please see the meeting dates below.
If you are interested in joining the Green Team or need more information, please reach out to our Green Team sponsors this year: Mrs.Jatekar and Mrs. Jossi.
Wilder Green Team Meeting Dates:
- Monday, September 25th
- Monday, October 30th
- Monday, November 20th
- Monday, December 11th
- Monday, January 29th
- Monday, February 26th
- Monday, March 25th
- Monday, April 29th
- Monday, May 20th
- Monday, June 10th
Plastic Film Recycling Event - May 9th and 10th!
Our Green Team is working with Ridwell this month to help rid our landfills of plastic films! These films are not accepted into your curbside recycling, so please consider collecting your film and dropping it off at Widler during our Recycling Event on May 9th and 10th.
Save up your plastics and drop them off at Wilder anytime during the day on May 9th and 10th!
Thank you for helping alleviate our landfills!
The Green Team has been busy!
This year Green Team members have focused our learning on water systems and sustainable conservation practices for school and home. We share information with the Wilder student body population two times a month during the school-wide assembly.
Additionally, Green Team members have created posters about this knowledge that are placed around the school. Recently, a water barrel was donated to our Green Team for collecting water to use on plants and flower beds around school in order to help shift towards more sustainable water practices.
The Green Team Assembly - 2023
Thank you to our Wilder Green Team and our Green Team Leaders, Mrs. Jossi and Mrs. Jatekar for bringing an amazing assembly to our Wilder students. Students learned all about the importance of recycling through an entertaining skit put on by Curiosity Quest. Thank you for helping our students learn the importance of being green!