November - Kindness
This month we’re talking about the beautiful character trait of Kindness. The dictionary defines it as: “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” But it is so much more than that! The definition we are using in class is:
Kindness: the choice to act with words, gifts, or actions to bring appreciation, positivity, and encouragement to others and yourself.
The key part of this definition?
Kindness is a choice that we get to make every day to bring good things into our lives and the world.
Those good things can look like more than just some kind words; Kindness is given through our actions and our encouragement and our attitude and our gifts. We will spend time thinking about how to be kind to ourselves, to our environment, to animals, and to one another. We will get to experience meaningful words through compliments and feel the joy that comes from showing appreciation to others. We will think about how people like Jackie Chan and Booker T. Washington and Maya Angelou teach us Kindness.
It will be a powerful and positive time!