Assessment and Evaluation




Participation is a term used to describe student performance in all phases of Physical Education class.  The five categories that define the concept of "participation" are student-controlled behaviors, so all students have the opportunity to be fully successful.  The quality of any student's weekly participation can be measured by the following five indicators of achievement.


EFFORT:  The quality of participation can be seen in the level of effort shown by the student on a weekly basis. The excellent student shows consistently high levels of effort regardless of the situation, activity or his/her skill level.

ATTITUDE: The quality of participation includes the outward demonstration of the student's attitude.  A student's attitude not only effects his/her performance but rather that of the whole class. An excellent student shows a positive approach to others, the activity and themselves. They say positive comments to others and/or find a creative way to share their concerns with others.

SPORTSMANSHIP:  The quality of participation involves the student's integrity shown in his/her sportsmanship. Good sportsmanship is contagious, just as poor sportsmanship is. The excellent student can make calls honestly and accept calls from others without argument.

ATTENTION:  The quality of participation and learning is in part dependent on student attentiveness.  Good listening involves physical posture, an effort to understand, clarify and to follow directions. The excellent student listens to the teacher, his/her classmates and expects to be listened to when it is their turn to speak. They also take advantage of the opportunity to learn form watching when they are idle.

PREPAREDNESS: The quality and fullness of participation depends on how prepared the student is.  The excellent student brings the clothing necessary to take part on a consistent basis.  They get mentally prepared to gain full benefit from class.





4: Exceeds standard:

The student receiving a 4 demonstrates an excellent level of effort at all times. This student always pays careful attention to directions and is always prepared to participate. This student seeks extra help when he/she needs clarification to understand the instruction and accurately completes activities supporting curriculum concepts. This student moves beyond personal goals and focuses on actively contributing to others and the classroom learning experience.

3: At standard:

The student receiving a 3 demonstrates a good level of effort most of the time. This student pays attention to directions and is prepared to participate most of the time. This student seeks extra help most of the time when he/she needs clarification to understand the instruction and accurately completes activities supporting curriculum concepts.

2: Approaching standard:

The student receiving a 2 demonstrates a fair level of effort most of the time. This student sometimes pays attention to directions and attempts to participate. This student sometimes seeks extra help when he/she needs clarification to understand the instruction but needs direct supervision or a general reminder to complete activities supporting program curriculum concepts.

1: Not at standard:

The student receiving a 1 does not show an adequate level of effort. This student consistently does not pay attention to directions and often does not participate. This student does not seek extra help when he/she needs clarification to understand the instruction and does not complete activities supporting curriculum concepts.


N/A Not applicable: This student does not attend this specialist class or is too new to be assessed.